Health Management

Micro Health Services

Turnkey Hospital Solutions Project Design

Project Design is the most critical component of a health institution. In general, hitting the road with architectural, static, mechanical projects and other projects, as well as 2-D projects may cause critical losses to ocur in terms of hospital sector. The important issue herein is to design an effective institution and to create projects accordingly. Business Management Group refers to this study as 4-D Health Institution Modelling. 2-D of this model reveals the elements that are required for Construction, and 2-D of this model reveals Operational Efficiency and Vision Design.
Basic principle of modelling is to eliminate the risk of error by verification via deductive method. Thus, all of the design and project stages are focused on targeted operation parameters.
Our Team Members, who are involved in the Project Design and Construction Stage, are experienced and are qualified on the fields of health and engineering in particular. More than 100 qualified engineering and health experts work on the project design side of the Business Management Group.

Health Management

Construction Management

Health institutions are special structures. They accommodate critical details at the construction stage and require a defect-free design. Tens of suppliers may only do the right thing at the construction stage by possessing relative work experience and coordination skills. Business Management Group provides flawless project management services from start to completion of the construction of Health Institution Structures, i.e. consultancy, inspection and supervision services.

All of the stages from rough construction to fine construction, Air Conditioning Systems to Furniture and Cutting Edge Biomedical Structuring are performed under the supervision and inspection of our Business Management Group.

Our team, which works with the understanding of Proactive Production Management, provides consultancy services to pre-production supervisors by providing them all of the details, and thus, the risk of making defective or non-quality production is eliminated.

Members of our team and unit have contributed to construction of hundreds of hospitals and they include individuals and sub-units that have superior level of knowledge on project management methodology. Our team, which is involved in Structuring Management activities, collaborates with the planning (design) team continuously, and ensures that “Designs, which are products of thinking, are constructed concretely.

Structuring Mobile Health Units

IHMG has vast experience on the issue of Mobile Health Units, which constitute an effective application for service access in particular. IHMG may produce critical solutions for institutions and organizations that wish to provide mobile healthcare services to a wide area by using Mobile Health Units that are designed by IHMG itself and that are manufactured on approved production lines.

IHMG, which includes all of the required sources within its body, manages to provide optimum quality in Mobile Units, and provides great advantages in terms of costs.

Establishment of Operation Systems in Health Institutions

Establishment of Laboratory and Radiology Centres

IHMG establishes Medical Laboratory and Imaging Centres both within the body of hospitals and independently by using the experiences and competencies that it posses thanks to the Diagnosis Centres that it has within its body, and IHMG manages the same upon request. In this context, we provide below services;
  • System Setup
  • Provision of Laboratory and Radiology Services in Return of Result.
IHMG, which posses required equipment, consumables management and human resources in relation service procurement in particular, manages all of the processes actively from setup to qualified report production.
IHMG, which provides Service Solutions in Return of Result for entitles that wish to stay away from setup costs, establishes infrastructure consistent with capacity and charges only produced result based on specified service prices.

How does the System Work?

If we consider a hospital or a health institutions chain, it is costly and difficult to manage various processes, such as Laboratory Setup, Sustainability, Maintenance, Supply of Consumables and Reporting etc. IHMG produces results, by using its own resources, consistent with the standards determined by relative Entity by performing setup procedures via its equipment thanks to its experiences and skills, and supplies various items, such as consumables and kits etc. Produced results are invoiced periodically. Thus, the entity manages to stay away from investment operating costs and provides quality results to patients by receiving qualified services. If we make a cost calculation, Purchase of Service in Return of Results gives more suitable results in comparison to laboratories managed by any hospital or health institution.

Health Management

Hospital Management

IHMG Business Management Group gained its entire qualified service inventory related with health services from its history and achievements in Hospital Management. For IHMG Business Management Group, design comes first for an effective hospital, and this picture is completed by human resources, equipment infrastructure and operating system that is embodied under this working philosophy.

IHMG provides services under two headings in this respect;

  • Business Management of Recently Openned Hospitals
  • Efficiency Management in Active Hospitals

Business Management of Recently Openned Hospitals

Such works refer to operations that are conducted prior to the opening of relative hospital and that continue until the hospital reaches to an effecient operating level, and sustainability of which are ensured by audit services.

  • Establishment and Adaptation of Hospital Management Information System
  • Personnel Recruitment and Orientation
  • Establishing Operation System and Implementation of Social Engineering Works
  • Establishing Supply Management System
  • Preparation of Pre-Openning Simultations and Realization of Required Works for an Effective Openning
  • Keeping the System Under Control by Key Personnel After the Openning

Efficiency Management in Active Hospitals

It refers to works, in which various operations are defined to increase efficiency in hospitals that failed to achieve required level of success.

Within the scope of evaluating the hospital and determining improvement opportunities, critical service areas are kept under control by IHMG expert staff and improvement activities are carried out.

IHMG may provide the services, which it built on Efficiency, to operators and investors continuously, if required.

Macro Health Services

National Health Service Standardization Studies
National Health System Setup

The infrastructure, which is established to manage any components related with the health system of any country from a single source, is referred to as National Health System. This structure includes the following;
  • Structuring Social Insurance System
  • Structuring Health Provision Systems
  • Structuring Integrated Hosptial Communication System
  • Establishment of Central Drug Medical Device Information Bank
  • Establishment of Telemedical System
National Health System has components, and IHMG has vas experience and background on such issues. IHMG, who provides national adaptation consultancy services at the system setup stage and who posseses required software background for training services required for local applications and practices, establishes any system from A to Z effectively.

Central Drug and Medical Device Management System

Standardization of drugs, consumables and medical devices has become very important with the structuring of health investments in developing and developed countries in particular.
We establish platforms, on which the imported and local drugs/consumables and devices that shall be used in the country are registered and monitored etc., by benefiting from our experiences and software.
Thus, all of the processes are followed effectively from customs to operation, and economy of the country is protected by preventing usage of informal drugs/consumables and medical devices.
We also provide consultancy services effectively to localization and nationalization projects in order to decrease external dependence throughout the country.

“Right Solutions for the Health of Country”

IHMG Business Management Group