About Us

IHMG Business Management Group

“Right Solutions for the Health of Country”

Operating since 2000, IHMG Business Management Group provides services in international institution / organization structuring services with its qualified infrastructure and human resources.

Working with a focus on Project Management, IHMG creates a wide service network with business solutions that are common needs for all sectors as well as its experience in the sectoral field.

The IHMG Business Management Group has two important companies and has successfully completed hundreds of projects in eleven countries around the world.

Health Management

IHMG Business Management Group gained its entire qualified service inventory related with health services from its history and achievements in Hospital Management. An efficient hospital for IHMG Business Management Group starts from design and is completed with integrated human resources, equipment infrastructure and working system under the working philosophy.

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National Health System Setup

IHMG has an effective experience and infrastructure in the establishment of the National Health System. Having country adaptation consultancy during the system installation phase, training and informatics infrastructures for local applications, IHMG effectively installs all systems from A to Z.

“Right Solutions for the Health of Country”

IHMG Business Management Group